A Very Short History of Our Modern Calendar

A history that makes sense, I hope.

Well, here I am on the third day of the New Year.  Frankly, it feels like Monday, when Monday itself felt like Saturday.  Whatever.  Next year, the holidays fall on a Monday, so I won’t be thrown off course like this time.

I thought that I would start out with this short but sweet little documentary about how our calendar came about.  Sorta refresh our memories about stuff we supposedly learned in grade school but forgot.  This filmmaker, Jeremiah Warren, puts out these mini-histories, observations, blowing up things in slow motion, and wry comedies on film for the attention impaired.  The calendar history is only one of 35, but it is the newest.  He’s made The History of Audie Murphy and The History of Nicola Tesla, which was the official selection of the SXSW film festival last year.   His oeuvre is here at Vimeo.

As for me, I’ve got the misnamed tummy flu, something that has been going around our department store, and is possibly doing some damage where you live and where you work.  I still have chills and a persistent headache, and of course, the runs.  I’ve called in sick, and rightfully.  I’m staying in bed and in between writing, copping some zees and sipping some herb tea.  And watching some dumb-ass Republicans in Iowa talk trash about how they’re going to unseat Obama.

Enjoy your day.



~ by blksista on January 3, 2012.