Getting Back to Business This P.M.

It's self-explanatory; more people, it is said, have been visiting Shaniya's grave since the trial commenced (Courtesy: Justice for Shaniya Davis/Facebook)

It’s self-explanatory; more people, it is said, have been visiting Shaniya’s grave since the trial commenced (Courtesy: Justice for Shaniya Davis/Facebook)

Sorry, but I have been job hunting, so I have not been as forthcoming as I would like to be.

Plus, coding issues preclude me from using the kinds of videos that I would like to use. can be really limiting, but I am not ready financially to make this jump to

However, I will be returning with a couple of articles on the Shaniya Davis case as well as other new/old news.  The state is resting its case today.

Keep your shirts on, and I will be ready to talk.


~ by blksista on May 16, 2013.