Rick Stevens, Early Tower of Power Lead Singer, Has Been Released on Parole

I was glad to read about this news, after noting some recent and sometimes persistent traffic to the site.  It came from Rick Stevens’ official website.

After 36 years of incarceration Rick was released on July 20, 2012, a hard-won freedom that was accomplished through Rick’s tireless efforts, and the staunch support of family, friends and fans. Of special note is the excellent work and dedicated effort of Rick’s attorney, Peter Boldin.


Rick plans to sing professionally again, and is reaching out to his network of friends and colleagues in the music business to make that dream a reality.

I have not been following Stevens’ case closely, and if I had known about his parole hearing earlier this year, I would have lent my voice and letter to the proceedings.  No matter; it appears that the man is surrounded by love and good wishes from many others, if not his family.

There seems to have been only one media mention of his release in the Bay Area from Googled results, and that was from East Bay Express, the same weekly which published a story about the former ToP lead singer that I referenced.  Thankfully, Rick’s former wife Georgina Stevenson clarified in a couple of informative blog comments much of what I wrote from memory and from Katy St. Clair’s article.

More than ten years ago, former Express music editor Katy St. Clair wrote about the tragedy that had befallen Rick Stevens, original lead singer of the Oakland soul group Tower of Power and double murder convict. Stevens, whose gorgeous, pliant pipes added luster to such hits as “You’re Still a Young Man,” was also a known rabble-rouser — he was convicted for fatally shooting two drug dealers in 1976, and received two seven-year-to-life sentences as a result. After years of being a petulant prisoner and showing up to parole hearing wasted — according to former bandmate Emilio “Mimi” Castillo — Stevens managed to find religion and get back on the straight and narrow. And he’s reportedly made parole: This past February, the California Board of Parole Hearings recommended Stevens for a June release date. To say he’s thankful, after serving 36 years in prison, would be a vast understatement…

As mentioned above, Rick Stevens was released from prison on July 20.

Rick Stevens is now 72 years old.  It’s never too late to live.

Welcome back, Rick.  Let’s see what you can do.

Rick’s website is here.   His Facebook page is here.

~ by blksista on August 12, 2012.

2 Responses to “Rick Stevens, Early Tower of Power Lead Singer, Has Been Released on Parole”

  1. Just hearing about his release today…where have i been! Oh Happy Day! Good luck and all the Love in the world to Mr. Stevens…Peace




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